Turnigy Servo Tester
Dopo vari suggerimenti ricevuti dai forun ho deciso per solo 7 euro di comprare il Turnigy Servo Tester e sembra funzionare discretamente!
Elettricamente lavora a 60Hz con un duty-cycle che varia dal 5 al 15%.
[caption id="attachment_14" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Tester ESC Turnigy[/caption]
After various suggestions received from Forun I decided to only 7 Euros to buy the Turnigy Servo Tester and seems to work quite well!
Electrical works at 60Hz with a duty cycle ranging from 5 to 15%.
Elettricamente lavora a 60Hz con un duty-cycle che varia dal 5 al 15%.
[caption id="attachment_14" align="alignnone" width="300"]
English version
After various suggestions received from Forun I decided to only 7 Euros to buy the Turnigy Servo Tester and seems to work quite well!
Electrical works at 60Hz with a duty cycle ranging from 5 to 15%.
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